連載企画「"もっと"限界まで語り尽くす! My Favoriteポケカ」では、あの有名人やポケカ四天王など様々な人たちから話を聞いて、「My Favoriteポケカ」、すなわち「ポケモンカードゲームの中で気に入っているカード」を、回ごとにテーマを設けながら紹介してもらいます。
今回は、自分の参加したポケモンWCSの大会で使われた「My Favoriteポケカ」というテーマで、Pedro Eugenio Torres Ventosa(ペドロ エウジェニオ トーレス ベントーサ)さんにお話しをお伺いしました!
Pedro Eugenio Torres Ventosa(ペドロ エウジェニオ トーレス ベントーサ)
スペイン在住のポケカプレイヤー。「ポケモンWCS2018」でTop4に入賞。また、2017 Oceania Pokémon TCG Internationals Championshipsでの優勝経験を持つ。
Pedro Eugenio Torres Ventosa(ペドロ エウジェニオ トーレス ベントーサ)です。年齢は30で、ニックネームはSininchiです。スペインの南側にあるセビリアという都市に住んでいます。
――ポケモンカードゲームを遊び始めたのは、おいくつの時ですか? また競技プレイをはじめた時期についてもお聞かせください。
ポケモンカードゲームは、2000年の9歳のときに、ゲームボーイカラーの「Pokémon Trading Card Game」で出会いました。当時僕はこのゲームが大好きでした。
それ以来、ずっと拡張パックを買いながらコレクションし続けています。初めてポケモンカードゲームをアナログでプレイしたのは、2013年に地元の店で行われた、「Pokémon TCG: Black & White--Plasma Storm 」のプレリリーストーナメントです。当時22歳でした。
公式イベントがまた始まるまでの間、私は自身のTwitchチャンネル(sininchi18)でPokémon TCG Onlineのストリーム配信をほとんど毎日行っています。世界中の公式大会でまた競技プレイできる日が待ちきれません!
――それでは、お伺いいたします。ご自身の参加されたポケモンWCSの大会で使われた「My Favoriteポケカ」と、そのポケモンWCSで強く印象に残っている試合などを教えていただけますでしょうか。
その試合で最も記憶に残った私の「My Favoriteポケカ」は、ピーピーマックスです!
きわめて重要な場面がやってきました。ピーピーマックスを使う度に、気持ちが昂ぶって心臓が高鳴りました。 2枚のピーピーマックスで2つのエネルギーを加速し、それから時のパズルを2枚同時に使ってトラッシュからピーピーマックスを2枚回収して、それからさらに、ピーピーマックスを2枚使ってもう一度エネルギーを加速する必要があるのです!
......なんとありがたいことに、その4回すべてのピーピーマックスでエネルギーを加速することに成功しました! 結果試合に勝利し、そうやって「ポケモンWCS2018」のTOP4まで勝ち上がれたことは、この先も決して忘れないでしょう!
「ポケモンWCS2018」のTOP4に進出するためには不可欠のものだったので、やはりこのピーピーマックスが僕の「My Favoriteポケカ」になるのだろうと思います。もしあの試合で1回でもピーピーマックスでエネルギーをつけられていなかったら......、きっとTOP4にはなれていなかったでしょう。ピーピーマックスを使ってのエネルギー加速にすべて成功したことが、試合での勝利につながりました。
試合中、エネルギーを加速できる可能性を常に最大化できるよう、常にピーピーマックスを戦略的に使いました! できればハイパーボールやミステリートレジャーなどのグッズを、可能なかぎり先に使うようにして、(山札のエネルギー以外のカードの数が少なくなることによって)エネルギーにたどり着ける可能性を高くしていました!
「ポケモンWCS2018」の僕の試合でも何回かあったように、最初の攻撃で120、150あるいは180ダメージが出せることがこのデッキの長所です。 レックウザGXの特性、ピーピーマックス、そして時のパズルのおかげで、ゲーム序盤から大ダメージを与えることができるのです!
日本のポケモンカードプレイヤーの皆さんには、僕が日本のコミュニティが大好きだってことをぜひ知ってもらいたいです! いつも日本の大会を見て、自身のスキルアップに役立てるようにしています。The Pokémon International ChampionshipsやポケモンWCSに出場するたびに、日本のプレイヤーの皆さんと対戦が当たるよう願ってます。とてもいい経験になるので!
僕は日本の文化が好きで、子供の頃からの夢は日本旅行に行くことです。いつかそれが実現することを願っています! こういった機会をいただいて感謝しています。ありがとう!
――Pedro Eugenio Torres Ventosa(ペドロ エウジェニオ トーレス ベントーサ)選手、ありがとうございました!
「"もっと"限界まで語り尽くす! My Favoriteポケカ」では、これまで、「限界まで語り尽くす! My Favoriteポケカ」に引き続き、ゲストの皆さん自身の言葉で、ポケモンカードゲームへの愛を語っていただきました。
連載企画としては今回で最終回となりますが、皆さんにとっての「My Favorite ポケカ」がもっと増えていくように、これからも情報発信を続けていきたいと思います。
Please introduce yourself.
My name is Pedro Eugenio Torres Ventosa. I am 30 years old.My nickname is Sininchi. I live in Seville, a city based in the South of Spain.
At what age did you play the Pokémon TCG for the first time and when did you start playing competitively?
I was first introduced to the Pokémon TCG in 2000, at the age of 9, when I played the video game named "Pokémon Trading Card Game" on the Nintendo Game Boy console. I loved this card game.
Since then, I have been collecting cards all my life, from Base Set. The first time I played Pokémon TCG was at a local store in 2013 (I was 22 years old), playing in a Prerelease tournament for the Pokémon TCG: Black & White - Plasma Storm set.
I started playing competitively during the 2015/2016 season (at the age of 25), and I was the first Spanish player to compete in a Pokémon TCG World Championships. Since then, I have been active as a competitive player. My best performance in a Pokémon TCG World Championship Tournament was in 2018 (in Nashville, Tennessee), where I was Semi-Finalist playing Rayquaza-GX.
What is your occupation?
I have finished my studies for a Teacher's Degree in Primary School, a degree in Pedagogy, and a Master's degree in Special Needs Education.
My occupation, since 2016, is being a full-time competitive Pokémon TCG player.
While I await the return of official events from Play! Pokémon around the world, I spend my time creating Pokémon TCG content. My Twitch channel is sininchi18, and I stream Pokémon TCGO almost every day. I can't wait to compete again at official Play! Pokémon events!
Which was a Pokémon TCG match at a Pokémon World Championships that you found the most impressive or memorable? What was the most memorable card used in that match?
The most impressive and memorable match that I have played in my life was the Top 8 of the 2018 Pokémon TCG World Championships. That year I chose to play a Rayquaza GX deck with four copies of Max Elixir and Puzzle of Time, cards that helped me to accelerate a lot of Energy cards during the game, to be able to deal a lot of damage with my Rayquaza GX attack: Dragon Break!
The most memorable card I used in that match was Max Elixir! I was playing a Rayquaza GX mirror match. I remember that during one game I needed to hit four Energy cards out of my Max Elixir to win the match. Otherwise, I would not have been able to knock out the opponent's Rayquaza GX to take my last 2 prize cards. I used my Professor Sycamore to be able to find two Max Elixir and two Puzzle of Time.
The crucial turn, every time I played a Max Elixir my heart was beating very fast from the nerves and emotion of the moment. I needed to hit two Max Elixir and use two Puzzle of Time to recover these two Max Elixir and play them again! Thankfully, I found an Energy card with every Max Elixir to advance to the Top 4 of the 2018 Pokémon World Championships ! I will never forget these games!
Why did you choose that card?
I chose to play Max Elixir in my deck because it helps the synergy of the Rayquaza GX deck: The ability Stormy Winds and the attack Dragon Break work perfectly together with this item!
I think Max Elixir was the card I chose as the most memorable card because it was crucial for me to advance to the Top 4 of the 2018 Pokémon World Championships! If one of my Max Elixir had failed, I probably would have never advanced to Top 4. Being able to hit these extra Energy cards was the key to success in the match. Thanks to that I have a beautiful Pikachu trophy!
How did you use that card strategically?
During the match I used my Max Elixir in a strategic way, always trying to maximize my odds to hit the Energy card every time I played the item! If I can, I always try first to use other items like Ultra Ball or Mysterious Treasure, so I have more chances to hit the Energy card if I use these items first!
The Rayquaza GX deck I played had so many choices to make: You always need to think the best sequencing: Rayquaza GX's Ability, Max Elixir, Puzzle of Time, Acro Bike or Oranguru's Ability! I always try to calculate the odds between the correct sequencing while playing Pokémon TCG!
What deck did you use in that match?
The deck I used in that match during the 2018 Pokémon TCG World Championships was Rayquaza GX!
If the match and card you chose were not ones that you participated in or used, please make your own deck with the card selected, and share the details of this deck below. What would you say are the key features or highlights of the deck you created?
The key features of the Rayquaza GX deck I played were the speed and the damage potential! Thanks to cards like Acro Bike or Professor Sycamore, you are able to play a lot of cards during the game. It helps you to put pressure on the opponent with Rayquaza GX's attack Dragon Break!
Some highlights of the deck I played were being able to hit 120, 150 or 180 damage during Turn 1 in a few matches that I played during the 2018 Pokémon TCG Worlds Championship! Thanks to the Rayquaza GX's Ability, Max Elixir or Puzzle of Time you are able to deal big damage early in the game!
Another highlight was using Marshadow's Ability "Let Loose" during Turn 1, so my opponent starts their Turn 1 with only four cards in hand, which helped me to take advantage in some matchups thanks to this strategy, like in the Game 3 of the Round 7 of Day 2, a game that I was able to win in just three turns!
What are some of your favorite memories about the Pokémon TCG?
One of my favourite memories about Pokémon TCG is how I started collecting cards as a child and then, years later, a Pokémon TCG player! I will never forget some memories like winning the first Regional I participated in (Portugal, 2016), winning the first Oceania International Championships (Melbourne, 2017) or becoming Semi-Finalist at the 2018 Pokémon TCG World Championships (Nashville, 2018). Winning is cool, but there are more important memories!
If I need to pick the best memories of my life, I will always choose these ones: Pokémon is about the friends you make along the way. Travelling around the world being able to share this hobby with your close ones and create new life stories in every Pokémon TCG tournament I attend! The best memories will always be the first times I played with my friends at a local store, the days I spent with my friends celebrating our achievements, or the happiness from playing Pokémon TCG!
Is there any message you would like to share with Pokémon TCG players in Japan?
I would like to share with Pokémon TCG players in Japan that I love the Japanese community! I always try to watch their tournaments to learn and improve my skill level! Every time I attend an International Championship or the World Championships, I wish I can play with Japanese friends, it is a great experience for me! Thanks to all the Japanese players for being nice and wonderful people.
I like the Japanese culture and my dream, since I was a child, is to be able to travel to Japan for the first time in my life, I hope it will happen at some point! Thank you so much Pokémon Japan!
Thank you!